St. John Vianney Parish Faith Formation will be holding VBS from June 24-28 @ 9-11am, in the St. Louis Church Youth Room (basement). For ALL children going into Pre-K & K. CALL 834-3984 TO SIGN UP NOW...
One of the greatest missions of the Church is to provide the hope of God’s everlasting love for us to others through prayer and service. God calls us in the Gospel to share his love with others: we are called to be his Church, sent forth as disciples of Jesus[...]
St. John Vianney Parish will be blessed this summer with a seminarian who is to be ordained to the transitional deaconate by our new Bishop. The ordination will be at the Cathedral in Portland on Saturday, May 25, 2024[...]
Totus Tuus is a Catholic youth summer program for students from 1st to 12th grade dedicated to teaching the Gospel & deepening love for the Church through catechesis, prayer, Christian witness, & the sacraments [click for more[...]
Let's shower Mother Mary with flowers! Bring all your children! We love to hear the sounds children, the sound of life! There is no age limit! Some of the Faith Formation Children have been working on flowers to present at our masses, please bring them so they can place their flower at her feet. May 18 & 19 @ all Masses!
CONGRATULATIONS to all the parishioners who received the sacraments of First Eucharist & Confirmation on Sat, Apr. 29 @ St. Louis Church. Thanks to all those who supported & taught them, & special thanks to the Most Reverend Bishop Deeley.
Our Cleanup on Saturday, April 27 was very successful! We had 22 participants ranging in age from about 5 to 75+ & we filled a whole dumpster with the collected trash. Teams worked in Riverside Park, the Church parking lot & grounds, the Heritage Trail, the town dike, along the east side of the Fish River by the bridge & the beginning section of Violette Settlement Road. We thank everyone who participated with us & all those who cleaned up on their own. We believe that EARTH DAY IS EVERYDAY, so it is always a good time to pick up trash anywhere you find it. Let's pray that all of us truly appreciate the gift of Creation & commit to keeping it clean, healthy & beautiful for all God's creatures.
St. John Vianney Parish is here to help you through this most challenging time. Whether you are planning a full funeral mass & burial; a graveside prayer service; or a burial with or without a priest, it is important to contact the parish office. When a death occurs [click to find out...]
The Mass of Ordination & Installation on Tues, May 7 @ 2pm will be live streamed & broadcasted via CatholicTV. There are multiple ways that viewers can access this broadcast, including...
We have switched our online giving platform from WeShare to eCatholic! The giving forms are now right on our parish website. To begin, simply click the applicable link to open the form, complete it, & submit your contribution. After submitting a Giving Form, parish members will receive a follow-up e-mail to set up a password protected account in eCatholic through which you can manage your contribution amounts and frequency of payments. ACTIONS NEEDED BY CURENCT WESHARE USERS! [PLEASE CLICK TO FIND OUT...!]
For centuries, the month of May has been dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. During May, parishes often honor the Blessed Mother with May Crowning ceremonies, traditionally held toward the start of the month, and to gather to pray the Rosary and other Marian prayers.