Please include any donations for Easter flowers in the 1st collection basket. If you don't have any envelopes for flowers, they are available at all church buildings. Or you can place you donation in your own envelope labeled "flowers."
Due to the Healing Mass scheduled for this Fri. evening at St. Louis, the Stations of the Cross has been changed to 3pm. We invite you to come participate in this Lenten experience. Thank you.
Bishop Robert P. Deeley, J.C.D. announces this morning that Pope Francis has named Most Rev. James T. Ruggieri, pastor of both Saint Michael the Archangel Parish and Saint Patrick Parish in Providence, RI, as the 13th Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland. Most Rev. Ruggieri will be ordained and installed as bishop on May 7, 2024, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Portland.
Join us for stations of the Cross every Fr. during Lent. -St. Charles @ 3pm. -St. Louis @ 6:30pm (except Mar. 22 @ 5:30pm) lead by the Fort Kent Columbiettes. -St. Mary @ 3pm
In addition to the global LENTEN RICE BOWL PROGRAM, we will be hosting local FOOD PANTRY COLLECTIONS for the 1st 5 weekends of Lent. Beginning SAT. & SUN, FEB. 17 & 18 we will be collecting toiletry items for St. Charles, Fort Kent Ecumenical, & St. Mary food pantries, in all our churches. Boxes will be placed near the church entrances. We encourage everyone to participate throughout these 5 weeks to help our communities' brothers & sisters in need.
Pictured: Fr. Jean-Paul Labrie receiving a check form Jim Gagnon on behalf of the Catholic Order of Foresters, St. Antoine Court #1735 of Wallagrass. The check was the matching fund of $1,500.00 towards the St. Joseph Church Christmas Raffle. The raffle helped raise over $9,000.00 Thank-you to the donors, volunteers, supporters & the Catholic Order of Foresters, St. Antone Court #1735.
Women and men impacted by an abortion experience often feel pain, grief, and regret. Project Rachel offers hope and healing by offering God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion in a safe nonjudgmental environment during our Rachel’s Vineyard retreat. The retreat provides an opportunity for anyone affected by abortion to release their pain and embark on a journey of healing.
How have you been sharing the word about the historic 10th National Eucharistic Congress? Most parishioners won’t hear about this life-changing event without you passing details about the major Catholic event in the United States. The 10th National Eucharistic Congress, July 17-21, 2024, in Indianapolis, IN is an invitation to experience profound personal revival so we can be sent out to share Christ’s love with a world that so desperately needs it.