All Saints Day (Nov. 1) is a holy day of obligation. Masses will be held on All Hallow's Eve (Oct. 31) 4pm @ St. Lous, 6pm @ St. Charles, & 6pm @ St. Joseph. On All Saint's 9am @ St. Louis, 11am @ St. Mary, & 2pm @ Forest Hill Manor.
Starting on Oct. 29, there will be youth choir rehearsals for grades 4, 5, & 6, girls & boys. Meeting the elementary school music room every Tues. @ 2:45-3:30.
771 meals were served! Total Expenses: $3,159.69. Total Revenue: $24,930.75 (With Catholic Order of Foresters St. Louis Court 230 matching fund) Net Revenue: 21,771.06.
Honoring all who served. Nov. 10th @ 9am. Join us in honoring all those who have served our country. ALL VETERANS: Please call Richard at (207) 231-4309 to let him know that you will be attending.
My Hero is a Saint will now be held on November 2nd. 10am-12pm Morning Retreat for Grades. $5 per child. Lunch at 11:30. Come dressed as your favorite saint. To register, please contact the Christian Life Center @ 543-6193.
50th Anniversary Capital Campaign has raised $64,400.00 as of 10/10/24.
Thank you to all contributors who have generously donated or pledged to the campaign.
A gift of any amount toward reaching our goal is appreciated. I pray you will become a supporter of our capital campaign.
October is the last month you will be able to use the old online giving service. If you have not yet switched over to the new service, call the parish office at 207-834-5656!
Fort Kent Columbiette Auxiliary #1934 President Cecil Voisine presenting V. Rev. Jean-Paul Labrie a check for the purchase of Liturgical supplies for the parish...
40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion through prayer, fasting, community outreach, and peaceful vigils in front of abortion facilities. Click to learn more...
Gathered, Known, Sent regional gatherings will take place across the state in October. The goal of these meetings is to help parishioners to continue the Eucharistic Revival journey. Attendees of the National Eucharistic Congress will share their experiences from Indianapolis including, highlights, takeaways, and how it is helping their faith life.
50th Anniversary Capital Campaign has raised $63,475.00 as of 10/10/24.
Thank you to all contributors who have generously donated or pledged to the campaign.
A gift of any amount toward reaching our goal is appreciated. I pray you will become a supporter of our capital campaign.