The observances of National Marriage Week (February 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, February 11) are opportunities to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. The theme of the week for 2024 is "Love Beyond Words." [Click for more...]
How do we enlarge the area for our (ecclesial) church ‘tents’ to enable the entire body of Christ to enter? That is the question an inclusion initiative launched by the diocese's Office of Lifelong Faith Formation will explore. The goal is to create a unifying, comprehensive framework to help parishes in the diocese grow in awareness and inclusion of persons with disabilities. [Click for more...]
The men's conference is an opportunity to gather as Catholic men to pray, to listen to keynotes and witnesses, and to be nourished by the sacraments to go out and love and serve God and his children. The day will also include eucharistic adoration, time for fellowship, and a concluding Mass celebrated by Bishop Robert Deeley. [Click for more...]
“9 Days for Life,” a novena for the intention that all human life be respected, will begin on January 16 and continue through January 24, 2024. [click for more]
"Going to Mass with our children is like playing Whack-A-Mole..." Laugh, cry, and learn with the families featured in episode one about our Sunday Mass obligation and why it's so important... even if it feels like a game of Whack-A-Mole!
Parishioners – if there is a storm forecasted for the weekend, we will try to reschedule masses instead of cancelling masses. Here is the plan for rescheduling and a decision will be made by noontime on the Friday of the weekend of an upcoming storm. This will be shared by our webpage, Facebook, Channel X, WAGM and possibly by email. Please become familiar with this plan and let us pray for good weather.
Dioceses throughout the United States observe the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children on January 22. It is a day set aside in a particular way to pray for pre-born children and to pray for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life. It is also an opportunity to reflect upon the gift of life and to thank God for that gift. Click for resources & more...
All Catholic high school youth are invited to participate in a REV Retreat, a day of vocational exploration and an opportunity to grow in love of the Eucharist. [Click for more...]