St. John Vianney Parish is very fortunate in that there are two priests assigned to the parish. The parish shares Fr. Alex with the CLC in Frenchville. In his work at the CLC, Fr. Alex is planning on having more activities on Sunday afternoon into the early evening. Looking at both parish and CLC calendars it would make more sense to keep the Sunday morning mass at St. Joseph’s Church. This means we will continue with the current weekend mass schedule.
During the winter months last year all weekday masses were held at the St. Louis Church in Fort Kent. It was a way to save on heating cost during the winter and it was very successful. The parish will do the same this year beginning on the 27th of November. There will be mass on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 7am at the St. Louis Church and on Thursday and Friday the service will be at 9am. Both Thursday and Friday might change because of Funeral Services at the St. Louis Church. The other churches will be open for Funerals during the winter months and this schedule will not change our mass schedule for Mercy Home, Forest Hill Manor or Crosswinds.